Coyote Notes - 3

· 1200 words · 3 minute read


Actors and StateMachine 🔗

上篇提到,Coyote 提供了异步 Actor 编程模型。Coyote 框架提供了一种特殊的 Actor 类型, 叫StateMachine ,这种 Actor 可以用来显示定义状态以及状态转换,从而更有助于 coyote test 进行自动状态识别以及系统化测试。

声明和创建 Actors 🔗

上篇简要介绍了 Actor 的创建,下面我们看看一个 Actor 是怎么实现的。

using System;
using Microsoft.Coyote.Actors;

class SetupEvent : Event
    public readonly ActorId ServerId;

    public SetupEvent(ActorId server)
        this.ServerId = server;

[OnEventDoAction(typeof(PongEvent), nameof(HandlePong))]
class Client : Actor
    // 通过 `initialEvent' 获得 Server 的 Actor ID.
    protected override Task OnInitializeAsync(Event initialEvent)
        Console.WriteLine("{0} initializing", this.Id);
        var serverId = ((SetupEvent)initialEvent).ServerId;
        Console.WriteLine("{0} sending ping event to server", this.Id);
        this.SendEvent(serverId, new PingEvent(this.Id));
        return base.OnInitializeAsync(initialEvent);

    // Handler 方法的 `Event' 参数在 Coyote 里是可选的。
    // 也可以是 `async Task',但方法里不能调用 `Task.Run()', `Task.Delay' 或 `Task.Yield'.
    public void HandlePong()
        Console.WriteLine("{0} received pong event", this.Id);

[OnEventDoAction(typeof(PingEvent), nameof(HandlePing))]
class Server : Actor
    public void HandlePing(Event e)
        PingEvent ping = (PingEvent)e;
        Console.WriteLine("Server handling ping, sending pong back to caller");
        this.SendEvent(ping.Caller, new PongEvent());

class PingEvent : Event
    public readonly ActorId Caller;

    public PingEvent(ActorId caller)
        this.Caller = caller;

class PongEvent : Event { }

public static void Execute(IActorRuntime runtime)
    ActorId serverId = runtime.CreateActor(typeof(Server));
    // c.f. OnInitializeAsync()
    runtime.CreateActor(typeof(Client), new SetupEvent(serverId));
    runtime.CreateActor(typeof(Client), new SetupEvent(serverId));

State machines 🔗

除了 StateMachine 这个类供继承之外,Coyote 还提供了一个 State 类, 以及相应的属性。它们一起为开发者提供了显式定义状态变迁的能力。

class ReadyEvent : Event { }

class Server : StateMachine
    [OnEventGotoState(typeof(ReadyEvent), typeof(Active))]
    class Init : State { }

    void InitOnEntry()
        // 触发状态转换到 `Active'.
        // RaiseEvent() will send event to self.
        // But, raised events are *prioritized* over any events in the inbox.
        this.RaiseEvent(new ReadyEvent());

    [OnEventDoAction(typeof(PingEvent), nameof(HandlePing))]
    class Active : State { }

    void HandlePing(Event e)
        var pe = (PingEvent)e;
        Console.WriteLine("Server received ping event from {0}", pe.Caller.Name);
        this.SendEvent(pe.Caller, new PongEvent());

我们看到,Server 类里有两个继承了 State 的嵌套类:Init,Active. 它们分别表明了 Server 可能的两个状态。

  • Start 属性用来指定状态机的初始状态(这里是Init);
  • OnEntry 属性指定状态机进入当前状态时执行的动作;
  • OnExit 属性指定状态机离开当前状态时执行的动作;
  • 动作函数没有参数,或者有一个 Event 参数;返回 void 或者 async Task.
  • OnExit 指定的动作函数不能带 Event 参数;
  • OnEventGotoState 属性指定当前状态下,收到给定 Event 后进入目标状态;

上述 OnEventGotoStateRaiseEvent() 的配合有一个更快的便捷方法:



Push and Pop states 🔗

状态机的活跃状态其实是个堆栈,用户还可以通过 RaisePushStateEvent(),RaisePopStateEvent() 来操纵当前 Actor 的状态。

void HandlePing()
    Console.WriteLine("Server received ping event while in the {0} state",
    // pop the current state off the stack of active states.

注意,对于状态迁移函数,每个 Event handler 执行过程中只能调用一个。否则,Coyote 会抛一个运行时 Assert.

  • RaiseEvent
  • RaiseGotoStateEvent
  • RaisePushStateEvent
  • RaisePopStateEvent
  • RaiseHaltEvent

Deferring and ignoring events 🔗

Defer 的用处是让状态机能在指定状态下忽略一些事件;Ignore 的作用是在指定状态下抛弃一些事件。比如:

[DeferEvents(typeof(PingEvent), typeof(PongEvent))]
class SomeState : State { }

这里,当状态机处于 SomeState 状态时,Actor 从队列里获取事件PingEventPongEvent 时会忽略(但不会丢弃),继续读取下一个实际。如果获取到 ReadyEvent 则立刻抛弃而不会调用事件处理函数。

Default events 🔗

默认事件可以用来实现 Actor 的消息队列为空时的处理逻辑。

[OnEventDoAction(typeof(DefaultEvent), nameof(OnIdle))]
class Idle : State { }

public void OnIdle()

当状态机处于 Idle 状态,且 Actor inbox 为空时,执行 OnIdle.

WildCard events 🔗

有一个特殊的事件,叫 WildCardEvent,它在运行时匹配所有事件(除了DefaultEvent)。这个事件可以用来实现通用逻辑。

internal class WildMachine : StateMachine
    [OnEventGotoState(typeof(WildCardEvent), typeof(CatchAll))]
    public class Init : State { }

    public void OnInit()
        Console.WriteLine("Entering state {0}", this.CurrentStateName);

    [OnEventDoAction(typeof(WildCardEvent), nameof(OnCatchAll))]
    public class CatchAll : State { }

    void OnCatchAll(Event e)
        Console.WriteLine("Catch all state caught event of type {0}", e.GetType().Name);

class X : Event { };
var actor = runtime.CreateActor(typeof(WildMachine));
runtime.SendEvent(actor, new X());


Entering state Init
Entering state CatchAll
Catch all state caught event of type X
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