Python Inspection

· 432 words · 1 minute read

作为程序员,经常有查看源代码的需求。如果没有代码,能反汇编也不至于两眼摸黑。Python 这方面的支持做的挺不错。

inspect 🔗

inspect 定义了很多有用的函数,比如:getsource

>>> import netaddr
>>> import inspect
>>> print(inspect.getsource(netaddr.cidr_to_glob))
def cidr_to_glob(cidr):
    A function that accepts an IP subnet in a glob-style format and returns
    a list of CIDR subnets that exactly matches the specified glob.

    :param cidr: an IP object CIDR subnet.

    :return: a list of one or more IP addresses and subnets.
    ip = IPNetwork(cidr)
    globs = iprange_to_globs(ip[0], ip[-1])
    if len(globs) != 1:
        #   There should only ever be a one to one mapping between a CIDR and
        #   an IP glob range.
        raise AddrConversionError('bad CIDR to IP glob conversion!')
    return globs[0]


dis 🔗

dis 用来反汇编 Python 字节码。

>>> import dis
>>> def add(a, b): return a+b
>>> dis.dis(add)
  1           0 LOAD_FAST                0 (a)
              3 LOAD_FAST                1 (b)
              6 BINARY_ADD
              7 RETURN_VALUE

gdb 🔗

无论 dis 还是 inspect 都不能处理 C 实现的的函数。比如:

>>> from fcntl import flock
>>> dis.dis(flock)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/", line 49, in dis
TypeError: don't know how to disassemble builtin_function_or_method objects

这种情况下,gdb 就成了不二之选。先把 debug 包给装上:

$ sudo debuginfo-install `rpm -q python`

先 attach 到被调试的 python 进程,假设 pid 是 11170. 然后 ‘pi’ 进入 Python 交互环境。

$ gdb python 11170
(gdb) pi


>>> from fcntl import flock
>>> frame=gdb.selected_frame()
>>> arch=frame.architecture()
>>> arch.disassemble(flock)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
TypeError: argument 1 must be integer<K>, not builtin_function_or_method
>>> flock.__str__
<method-wrapper '__str__' of builtin_function_or_method object at 0x7fad357181b8>
>>> arch.disassemble(0x7fad357181b8)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
gdb.MemoryError: Cannot access memory at address 0x7fad357181b8
