Life of a Programmer
`Simplicity is prerequisite for reliability.’ - EWD
昨夜做了一个很恐怖的噩梦。我梦见自己被机枪“突突突”,但是由于自己永生的能力,只能陷入持续、无尽的痛苦。惊醒。 早餐和老婆讲这个事情,回答:这
花了点时间从 Jekyll 切换到了Hugo,好处是:不用维护一个 Ruby 环境,这样可以方便的写笔记,而不用太关心平台问题。 又写了一个简单的脚本自动创建新帖子:
For the last decade, I have been writing blogs, frequently or occasionally. To me, writing is remembering, is to keep a record of my ideas, feelings and thoughts. I would like to keep the habit of reading and writing as a lifetime endeavor.
Before switching to GitHub, I was writing at colorfulwe, a WordPress site maintained by my friend Yechun. I have been using it 5 years since moving fromBlogger. Thanks a lot to Yechun!
今天调试一个 bug 的过程非常有趣,起承转合很像央视《走近科学》的风格。故障代码类似于这样: if (mgr.getSomeObj().getSomeField() != null) { hostnum = mgr.getSomeObj().getSomeField(); } else { // ... } 断点成功断在第一行,单步进
DRBD 9 出了一个套件,叫 drbdmanage,提供了配置分发、re-balancing 等功能。由于依赖存放在 Sourceforge 的 DocBook 样式文件,编译生成 rpm 包的整个过