A Show case of LINQ

· 124 words · 1 minute read

As a long-time Linux programmer, I barely got a laughter from my wife, when offered a few praises to the productivity of C#. It is interesting - we are apt to believe that what we’ve already known are the best, even we don’t have any convincing evidence. We are pretty much biased.

I do like the feature Language-Integrated Query, aka. LINQ, introduced since .Net 3.5. And here is a show case. I have a collection of key-value pairs representing consumed bandwidth for each time slot, say, five minutes. Now, how can I transform the collection to another collection with time slot set to one day?

var result = details
    .GroupBy(r => r.Key.Date)
    .Select(g => new KeyValuePair<DateTime, double>
                       (g.Key.Date, g.Sum(x => x.Value)));

Descriptive. Pretty simple.

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