It happens to be one decade since my last visit to WuXi, Jiangsu province. It was a spring outing, and we were in sophomore (or junior) and I still remember that we watched repeatedly, , almost 6 times,Forrest Gump on the bus, during the long travel.
I planed to take my wife and son to the Yuantouzhu Park, because the sakura there are beautiful, and I was impressed by the Taihu Lake. But the weather scuppered all the plans.
I would like to thank Xiaowei and Ting for their hospitality. Xixi and Guoran, brother and little sister, were playing and sleeping, respectively. The baby sister remained quiet all the time, and looked around occasionally.
On the way home, son fell asleep, and covered with my thinly coat. I could hear his breathing, steadily.